von admin | Dez. 16, 2020
Here are all the possibilities of the sensor in conjunction with a smartphone or tablet used as a central. In the house several sensors can be used at the same time for different tasks for measuring, controlling and securing. The information converges on the tablet or... von admin | Dez. 16, 2020
In the house, the all-in sensor can be used as a smart home circuit. For this purpose, it is permanently mounted and can independently switch electrical devices depending on the stored scenario. The smartphone is only needed for a one-off setup. Typical applications... von admin | Dez. 16, 2020
Since the all-in sensor communicates directly with the smartphone or tablet, it can be used anywhere in the world as an alarm system, security and smart home center for the trouser pocket. Typical applications are Glasshouse Storehouse Hotel room Rented apartment... von admin | Dez. 16, 2020
von admin | Dez. 15, 2020
Hier werden alle Möglichkeiten des Sensors in Zusammenspiel mit einem Smartphone oder Tablet als Zentrale ausgeschöpft. Im Haus können mehrere Sensoren gleichzeitig für unterschiedlichste Aufgaben zum Messen, Steuern und Absichern verwendet werden. Die Informationen...